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Oct 4, 2018

الحياة الطيبة - للشيخ : محمد مختار الشنقيطي

الحياة إمّا للإنسان وإمّا عليه , تَمُرُّ ساعاتها ولحظاتها وأيامها وأعوامها

تمرُّ على الإنسان فتقوده إلى المحبة والرضوان حتى يكون من أهل الفوز والجنان

أو تمرُّ عليه فتقوده إلى النيران وإلى غضب الواحد الدّيان

الحياة .. إمّا أن تُضْحِكَكْ ساعةً لتُبكيك دهرا , وإمّا أن تُبكيك ساعةً لتُضحكك دهرا

الحياة إمّا نعمةٌ للإنسان أو نقمةٌ عليه . هذه الحياة التي عاشها الأولون وعاشها الآباء والأجداد

وعاشها السابقون فصاروا إلى الله عزّ وجلّ بما كانوا يفعلون

الحياة معناها كل لحظة تعيشها وكل ساعة تقضيها , ونحن في هذه اللحظة نعيش حياةً إما لنا وإما علينا

فالرّجل الموفق السعيد من نظر في هذه الحياة وعرف حقها وقدرها

فهي والله حياةٌ طالما أبكت أُناساً فما جفّت دموعهم , وطالما أضحكت أُناساً فما رُدّت عليهم ضحكاتهم ولا سرورهم

الحياة أحبتي في الله جعلها الله ابتلاء واختبار وامتحان تظهر فيه حقائق العباد

ففائزٌ برحمة الله سعيد , ومحرومٌ من رضوان الله شقيٌ طريد

كل ساعة تعيشها إما أن يكون الله راضٍ عنك في هذه الساعة التي عشتها , وإما والعكس والعياذ بالله

فإمّا أن تقرّبك من الله وإمّا أن تُبعدك من الله

وقد تعيش لحظة واحدة من لحظات حب الله وطاعة الله تُغفر بها سيئات الحياة وتغفر بها ذنوب العمر

وقد تعيش لحظةً واحدة تـتـنـكّـبُ فيها عن صراط الله وتبتعد فيها عن طاعة الله تكون سبباً في شقاء الإنسان حياته كلها

نسأل الله السلامة والعافية

فهذه الحياة فيها داعيان : داعٍ إلى رحمة الله وداعٍ إلى رضوان الله وداعٍ إلى محبة الله

وأمّا الداعِ الثاني فهو داعٍ إلى ضدّ ذلك , شهوةٌ أمّارةٌ بالسوء أو نزوةٌ داعيةٌ إلى خاتمة السوء

والإنسان قد يعيش لحظة من حياته يبكي فيها بكاء الندم على التفريط في جنب ربه يبدّل الله ذاك البكاء سيئاته إلى حسنات

وكم من أُناسٍ أذنبوا , وكم من أُناسٍ أساؤوا , وكم من أناس ابتعدوا وطالما اغتربوا عن ربهم

فكانوا بعيدين عن رحمة الله , غريبين عن رضوان الله وجائتهم تلك الساعة واللحظة وهي التي نعنيها بالحياة الطيبة

لكي تُراق منهم دمعة الندم ولكي يلتهب في القلب داعِ الألم فيحس الإنسان أنه قد طالت عن الله غربته

وقد طالت عن الله غيبته , لكي يقول إني تائبٌ إلى الله مُنيبٌ إلى رحمته ورضوانه

وهذه الساعة هي الساعة التي هي مفتاح السعادة للإنسان , ساعة الندم

وكما يقول العلماء : إن الإنسان قد يُذنب ذنوباً كثيرة ولكن إذا صدق ندمه وصدقت توبته بدّل الله سيئاته حسنات

فأصبحت حياته طيبة بطيب ذلك الندم , وبصدق ما يجده في نفسه من الشجى والألم

نسأل الله العظيم رب العرش الكريم أن يُحيي في قلوبنا هذا الداعي إلى رحمته وهذا الألم الذي نحسّه من التفريط في جنبه

أحبتي في الله : كل واحدٍ منّا نريده أن يسأل سؤالاً , أن يسأل نفسه عن الليل والنهار

كم يسهر من الليالي ؟! وكم يقضي من الساعات ؟

كم ضحك في هذه الحياة ؟! وهل هذه الضحكة تُرضي الله عزّ وجلّ عنه ؟!

وكم تمتع في هذه الحياة ؟! وهل هذه المُتعة تُرضي الله عزّ وجلّ عنه ؟

وكم سهر ؟! وهل هذا السهر يُرضي الله عنه ؟

وكم وكم ... سؤالاً يسأل فيه نفسه

وقد يُبادر الإنسان , لماذا أسأل هذا السؤال

نعم .. تسأل هذا السؤال لأنه ما من طرفة عين ولا لحظة تعيشها إلا وأنت تتقلب في نعمة الله

فمن الحياء مع الله والخجل مع الله أن يستشعر الإنسان عظيم نعمة الله عليه

من الحياء والخجل أن نُحِسّ أنّنا نطعم طعام الله وأننا نستقي من شراب خلقه الله

وأننا نستظلُّ بسقفه , وأننا نمشي على فراشه , وأننا نتقلب في رحمته

فما الذي نقدّمه في جنبه ؟! يسأل الإنسان نفسه

يقول الأطباء : إن في قلب الإنسان مادة لو زادت 1% أو نقصت 1% مات في لحظته

فأيّ لُطف وأيّ رحمة وأيّ عطف وأيّ حنان من الله يتقلّب فيه الإنسان

يسأل الإنسان نفسه عن رحمة الله فقط إذا أصبح الإنسان وسمعه معه وبصره معه وقوّته معه

فمن الذي حفظ له سمعه !! ومن الذي حفظ له بصره !! ومن الذي حفظ له عقله

ومن الذي حفظ له روحه

يسأل نفسه من الذي حفظ هذه الأشياء ؟

من الذي يُمتّع بالصحة والعافية

الناس المرضى على الأسرّة البيضاء يتأوّهون ويتألمون والله يتحبّب إلينا بهذه النعم

يتحبّب إلينا بالصحة , بالعافية , بالأمن بالسلامة

كل ذلك فقط لكي نعيش هذه الحياة الطيبة

فالله تعالى يريد من عبده أمره

الأمر الأول : فعل الفرائض

والأمر الثاني : ترك نواهيه وزواجره

ومن قال إن القرب من الله عزّ وجل فيه الحياة الأليمة أو فيه الضيق فقد أخطأ الظنّ بالله

والله إذا ما طابت الحياة بالقرب من الله فلن تطيب بشيءٍ سواه

وإذا ما طابت بفعل فرائض الله وترك محارم الله فوالله لا تطيب بشيءٍ سواه

ويجرّب الإنسان مُتع الحياة كلها فأنه والله لن يجد أطيب من مُتعة العبودية لله بفعل فرائض الله وترك محارمه

:أنت مأمور بأمرين

إما أن يأتيك الأمر ( إفعل ) أو ( لا تفعل )

:إذا جئت تفعل أي شيء في هذه الحياة فـ اسأل نفسك

هل الله عزّ وجل أَذِن لك بفعل هذا الشيء أو لم يأذن لك ؟!

أيّ شيء تفعل .. فالأجساد ملك لله والقلوب ملك لله والأرواح ملك لله

فينبغي للإنسان إذا أراد أن يتقدم أو يتأخر يسأل نفسه :

.. هل الله راضٍ عنه إذا تقدم ؟! فليتقدم

.. أو الله غير راضٍ عنه !! فليتأخر

فوالله ما تأخر إنسان ولا تقدم وهو يرجو رحمة الله إلا أسعده الله

ولذلك السعادة الحقيقية والحياة الطيبة تكون بالقرب من الله

القرب من ملك الملوك وجبّار السموات والأرض

.. الأمر أمره , والخلق خلقه , والتدبير تدبيره

ولذلك تجد الإنسان دائماً في قلق وفي تعب ,, تجد الشخص يتمتع بكل الشهوات

ولكن والله تجد ألذّ الناس في الشهوات أكثرهم آلاما
.. نفسية وأكثرهم قلقاً نفسياً , وأكثرهم ضجراً في الحياة

واذهب وابحث عن أغنى الناس تجده أتعب الناس في الحياة .. لماذا ؟

لأن الله جعل راحة الأرو

وجعل لذّة الحياة في القرب منه

وجعل أُنس الحياة في الأُنس به سبحانه وتعالى

والصلاة الواحدة يفعلها الإنسان من فرائض الله بمجرد ما ينتهي من ركوعه وسجوده وعبوديته لربه

بمجرد ما يخرج من مسجده يحس براحة نفسيه والله لو بذل لها أموال الدنيا ما استطاع إليها سبيلاً

الحياة الطيبة في القرب من الله , الحياة الهنيئة في القرب من الله

إذا كان ما طابت الحياة

... بالقرب من الله فبمن تطيب

The Goodly Life
Sheikh Muhammad Mukhtar Ash-Shinqiti

Life, is either for a person, or against him
It's hours and seconds, days and years pass him by
Leading him (by his actions) to the Love and Good Pleasure of Allah
until he is amongst the people of Ultimate Success and the Gardens of Paradise
or they are against him, leading him (by his actions) to the Fires of Hell
and to the Anger of the One, the Just Ruler [Allah]

Life, either it will make you laugh & rejoice for an hour
over which you will cry for an eternity (in the Hereafter)
or it will make you cry for an hour
over which you will laugh & rejoice for an eternity (in the Hereafter)

Life, is either a great blessing for a person,
or an adverse affliction against him

This is a life which was lived by the earliest generations
by our fathers and forefathers
and by all those who preceded us
All of them, returned to Allah with what they used to do [their deeds]

"Life" refers to every single moment that is lived within it
and every hour spent within it
And within all of these, we live a life that is either for us or against us

Thus, the successful and happy person
is the one who sees life, and recognises it's reality and true nature
For by Allah, it is a life that frequently causes some people to weep, their tears never drying
and frequently makes others laugh, their laughs and joys then never to return

My beloved, Allah has made this life as a trial, a test,
an exam, in which is made apparent the true nature of His slaves
Thus happy is the one who is made successful (in this exam) by the Mercy of Allah
while miserable & banished (from salvation) is the one upon whom the Pleasure of Allah becomes forbidden (through this exam)

(Know) for every hour that you live, either Allah is pleased with you in this hour (by your deeds)
or the opposite, we seek refuge in Allah from that
Therefore (by this hour) either you come closer to Allah
or you stray further from Him

Thus it may be, that you live a single moment of love and obedience to Allah (by your actions)
by which are forgiven the inequities of your life
and a lifetime of sins
And it may be that you live a single moment in which you deviate purposely from the Path of Allah
distancing yourself from His obedience
which then becomes a cause of misery & distress, for the rest of your life
We ask Allah for His Safety and Pardoning

In this life there exist two seperate 'callers'
The first, is anything that calls to the Mercy, the Good Pleasure and the Love of Allah (be they thoughts or actions)
The second type of caller, is anything which invites to the opposite of that
(Such as) a desire or lust that incites one to evil
or a sudden sinful whim that may result in an evil ending (dying in bad or sinful circumstances)

Thus it may be, that a person within a moment of his life, weeps;
a weeping of regret and repentance over his negligence towards his Lord;
and by (these tears) Allah changes his evil deeds into good deeds (on his record)

But how many a people continue to commit sins?
how many a people still indulge in evil?
how many a people continue to distance themselves (from Allah),
frequently travelling away from their Lord (by their actions)?
Thus all of them are distant from the Mercy of Allah
unbeknownst to them, strangers to the Good Pleasure of Allah

Then comes upon them that hour, that exact moment (of penitence),
which is what we are referring to, by "the goodly life",
in order that they shed tears of regret and remorse,
and that a reason for anguish in the heart may be ignited,

Such that the person realises how long his alienation from Allah has been
and how long his absence from his Lord truly has been
so that he may then say, "Indeed I am turning to my Lord repentant, remorseful,
and in hope of His Mercy and Good Pleasure!"

This time (of penitence) is a person's key to happiness and contentment,
the time of regret.
It is as the scholars say,
"Indeed man sins a great deal,
but if he is truly sincere in his regret and repentance,
Allah will change his sins into good deeds"
Thus his life too then becomes pure and goodly,
by the purity and truthfulness of that regret and repentance
and by the sincerity in the very distress and pain felt within himself

We ask Allah the Greatest, Lord of the Honourable Throne,
to give life to this blessed caller to His Mercy, within our hearts
and to the pain we should feel when we are neglectful towards Allah and His Commands

My beloved, every single one of us needs to ask themselves a question,
we need to ask ourselves day and night,
How many nights are spent awake in activity?
and how many hours are passed (in this way)?
How many have laughed in this life?
And (most importantly) was Allah Pleased with this laughter?

How much of this time was spent in entertainment and enjoyment in this life?
Was this enjoyment one that Allah was Pleased with?
How many nights were spent awake (in activity)?
Was this staying awake (and what you did in those nights), pleasing to Allah?

And so on and so forth,
(These are) questions that he should be asking within himself
But a person might wonder why he should be asking these questions (i.e. what's the point)?

Yes! You must ask yourselves these questions
as passes not the instant of a blinking of an eye,
nor a fleeting moment in your life,
except that you are living in and experiencing the Blessings of Allah!

Thus it is from great respect and humility towards Allah
that a person remains constantly aware of the greatness of the Blessings bestowed upon him

From this humility is to truly feel and acknowledge that the food we eat,
belongs to and is provided by Allah

And that we quench our thirst with a drink created by Allah
And that we are shaded and sheltered by a roof provided by Him
And that we walk forth upon a ground provided by Him
And that without doubt we are living in and experiencing His every Bounty and Mercy
So what could we possibly have to offer Him in return?

(So it's important) a person asks himself these questions.

(For example) doctors say that there exists a substance in a person's heart,
that if it were to increase or decrease by 1%
he would die instantly...
So (think) in which courtesy and kindness,
which mercy and compassion from Allah does mankind enjoy, experience and live in!

(Even if) a person asks himself about the Mercy of Allah alone,
When he wakes up in the morning,
possessing his hearing
possessing his sight
possessing his physical strength,
who is the one safeguarding his hearing?
Who is the One safeguarding his sight?
Who is the One safeguarding his intellect?
Who is the One safeguarding his very soul?

He must ask himself, who is the One protecting all of these things?
Who is the One who Bestowed him with good health and wellbeing?

(Think of) those who are sick, lying on white beds (in hospital)
those who are sighing and in pain (from illness),
By Allah, through these great blessings Allah conveys His Love for us,
The great blessings of good health, wellbeing, security and safety
All of these are provided purely so that we may live a goodly life

Allah, praised & exalted is He, desires two things from His slave:
The first is that he carry out his obligatory duties (e.g. prayer)
and the second, is the abandonment of all Allah has forbidden and held him back from

As for the one who claims that closeness to Allah
entails a life of suffering or limitations
Then such a person without doubt has erred greatly in how he perceives Allah

For, by Allah, if you do not purify and make good your life by closeness to your Lord,
you will never be able to do so by way of anything else

And if you do not purify and adorn your life by carrying out your obligatory duties to Him,
and abandoning all that He has forbidden,
Then by Allah, you will never be able to so by way of anything else

A person may experience every single pleasure life has to offer
but by Allah, he will never experience anything more pleasurable,
more beautiful than servitude to Allah
by carrying out his obligations to Him
and leaving all that He has forbid him from

(In life) you are subjected to two choices,
whenever you are faced with a matter,
you have the choice to either do it or not do it

If you decide to go forth and do anything in this life,
ask yourself, "Has Allah permitted you to do this thing, or not?"

Since the human being himself is owned by Allah
the hearts are all owned by Allah
and the souls are all owned by Allah

Thus a person should,
whenever he wants to do something or hold back from it,
ask himself, will Allah be pleased with you (by this action)?
If so, then let him proceed
Or, will Allah not be pleased by this action?
If not then he should hold himself back.

For, by Allah, a person does not proceed with an action nor hold back from it,
requesting Allah's Mercy (and counsel in the decision),
except that he pleases his Lord in the process

Therefore true happiness and a goodly life are only to be found in closeness to Allah

Closeness to who?
To the King of Kings
the Controller of the Heavens & the Earth
To whom belongs the Ultimate Command, all creation
and the perfect arrangement and measure of all that exists

Thus you may find that man is always
in a state of anxiety and weariness
You may find an individual who has everything he desires
But by Allah, you will find most of those who have all they desire
suffer from mental or psychological problems,
from anxiety and depression,
most of them are extremely unhappy and dissatisfied with their lives

Go and look for the wealthiest person
and you'll most likely find him to be from
the most miserable people in life

And has made the sweetness and savour of life to be found,
in being close to Him

And has placed the key to a pleasurable, amiable life,
in a pleasurable, amiable relationship with Him

(If we look at just) one prayer that a person performs
from the 5 obligatory daily prayers;
at the moment of completing his bowing and prostrating
and completing his servitude to his Lord,
then at leaving the place of prayer,
he feels a great sense of ease and peace within himself!

By Allah, even if he were to spend all the wealth on the earth
(in attempt to buy this feeling)
He would be unable to seek a way to it.

Thus the goodly life is found only in closeness to Allah
A pleasant, comfortable life will only be found by a closeness to Allah
If a person does not purify and make good his life
through this close relationship,

then by who (or what) will he....?
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